TMD Newsletter, October 2015

In This Issue: Interest growing for galvanized rebar Outstanding Author Award for IZA’s Frank Goodwin Ultra-thin zinc die castings on the rise 2014-15 Zinc Challenge Winners Update on Regional Activities To download this issue, click...

ZNI Newsletter, April 2016

In This Issue: New Zinc-Crops Project Launched in DRC Success in China: Program Update Β Expansion of Fertilizer Database International Zinc & Zinc Oxide Conference: Market Outlook New Book Chapter Publication Program Launch: Bangladesh Zinc & Iodine Day Events...

ESD Newsletter, May 2016

In This Issue: IZA Successfully Changes Bill that Would Have Threatened Use of ZnO in Tires MMG Donates US $1.39 Million to Combat Child Stunting and Anemia in Laos China: Restriction of Hazardous Substances Contained in Zinc Concentrate IZA Contributes to Resource...

Zinc in Crops

; Zinc in Crops – India and Beyond Zinc is one of the eight essential trace elements that plants need for normal growth and reproduction. Nearly 10% of all proteins in biological systems need zinc for their functions and structure. Plants require zinc in small...


; Compounds When mentioning zinc, most tend to think of zinc metal. However zinc chemicals (including zinc dust) account for about 10% of total zinc consumption and play a host of critical roles in modern society. Zinc Dust and Powders Zinc powders and dusts are...