Introduction Galvanizing has been used for more than 100 years because it provides both barrier and galvanic corrosion protection to steelΒ  Hot-dip galvanized corrosion-resistant rebar has been used for more than 50 years to protect structures exposed to...

Privacy Statement

The International Zinc Association (β€œWe”) have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to privacy. Your right to privacy and data security is a primary concern. This privacy statement sets out the basis on which any information we collect...


; The History of Zinc History of Zinc Centuries before zinc was discovered in the metallic form, its ores were used for making brass and zinc compounds for medicinal purposes. Zinc compounds were in the ores smelted certainly as early as 200 B.C. to obtain copper and...

ZNI Newsletter December 2015

In This Issue: 4th International Zinc Symposium a Huge Success New Fact Sheet: Zn Fertilizer in the Environment High level roundtable meeting on Zn deficiency in India IZA and NATESC Workshop on Zn Fertigation critical for farming in Upland China Workshop on ZnO...

Why Zinc?

A World Surrounded in Zinc Zinc isn’t just found in your daily vitamin – it surrounds us all: protecting our infrastructure, maintaining human health and growth, and helping crops grow faster and stronger. Without zinc, there would be no life. Zinc Uses...